Saturday, April 4, 2009

Are we just getting pushed around?

Katie Murray called the Islander a pawn for Charles Wang to get his Lighthouse built, so are they just a pawn? The answer is yes and that happened the minute Kate Murray started her petition on line and through the mail. Even worse Islanders fans themselves have become pawns in this political battle with Murray on one side and Suozzi and Wang on the other. The appeal to the fans on both sides and the threats to move the team have made bad season on the ice even worse off it. With hope rising and falling every other day its hard to tell the fate of this historic franchise if the Lighthouse project fails. The team itself has managed to keep its focus on what it is suppose, developing youngsters and playing hockey which as of late has been paying off. The fans haven't been as Lucky, we've had to deal with the injuries, the loses, and the worst of it all the fear of losing this team. It has come down to the wire know as battle lines have been drawn, we know who stands where, but still have no idea what will happen. The mentality that i have come down to is this, either get this project done not only for the Islanders but for all of Long Island or Mr. Wang start telling us the other options on the table.

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